Ashley Bohrer

Ashley Bohrer, the Truax Postdoctoral Fellow and visiting assistant professor of philosophy, made presentations at several conferences this fall.

She discussed “Colorblind Racism in Early Modernity: Race, Colonization, and Capitalism in the Work of Francisco de Vitoria” at the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy Conference. The meeting took place in Memphis in October.

Bohrer attended the Historical Materialism Conference in London Nov. 9 to 12. There she presented “Capital Crimes: Incarceration and Confinement in Capitalist Modernity” and “Gender Policing the Poor: Capitalism, Sexuality, Carcerality in the 21st Century.”

Most recently, she was part of a roundtable discussion on “Teaching Transnational Feminism at Primarily White Institutions: Threats and Transformations of Feminist Classrooms” with Assistant Professor of Literature Pavitra Sundar and former Hamilton professor Margo Okazawa-Rey. The event was part of the National Women’s Studies Association Conference in Baltimore Nov. 16th to 19th, where Bohrer also presented “Sorcery and Sovereignty: Policing Gender, Sexuality, and Race in the Colonial Witch-Hunts.”

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