Assistant Professor of Sociology Mahala Stewart recently explored the role of race in parents’ homeschooling decisions in a “University Forum” at the University of Las Vegas.
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Associate Professor of Government Erica De Bruin published an article in the American Political Science Review, the flagship journal of political science. “Out-Competing Rivals: Armed Group Governance and Civilian Attitudes in Colombia,” is the product of nearly seven years of research supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation.
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A paper co-authored by Associate Professor of Biology Natalie Nannas and six of her senior thesis students, was recently published in the journal Genes.
An article by Samuel F. Pratt Professor of Mathematics Sally Cockburn and Max Klivans ’25 appears in this month’s issue of the Bulletin of Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications.
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“Egalitarian Idealists and Authoritarian Zealots: A Cautionary Memoir,” by Maurice Isserman, the Publius Virgilius Rogers Professor of American History, appears in the Winter 2025 issue of Liberties.
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The National Association of Student Personnel Administrators Board of Directors recently selected Director of International Student Services Omobonike Odegbami to serve on the JSARP's New Professionals and Graduate Student Board for the 2025-2027 term.
Associate Professor of Biology Rhea Datta recently published a paper in the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) Journal titled "Versatile Roles of Disordered Transcription Factor Effector Domains in Transcriptional Regulation."
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Professor of Cinema and Media Studies Scott MacDonald was profiled as the “preeminent scholar of experimental cinema” in the winter issue of Cineaste.
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National and regional news organizations regularly interview Hamilton faculty, staff, alumni, and students for their expertise and perspectives on current events, and to feature programs and activities on campus. January’s news topics included varied subjects from Communism to third-term presidential possibilities.
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Associate Professor of Asian Studies Abhishek S. Amar recently organized an international conference on “Monastic institutions and Secularity from the Gupta period to the 15th century.”