  • Alex Mitko ’16 presented a poster on May 18 at the Vision Sciences Society (VSS) annual meeting in St. Pete Beach, Fla. The poster, titled “An EEG Study of Illusory Conjunctions,” was co-authored by Mitko and Assistant Professor of Psychology Alexandra List, along with researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, and Boston University School of Medicine.

  • Chemistry major Liz DaBramo ’15 is the recipient of a 2015 Undergraduate Student Award from the New York Section of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy (NYSAS). The award recognizes DaBramo’s research efforts, specifically her work with mass spectrometry, during her four years at Hamilton.

  • Jennie Wilber ’17, Shannon Boley ’17 and Talia Vaughan ’18 presented papers as part of a panel on “American Sacred Space: Constructing and Contesting the Sacred across Cultures” during the annual Eastern International Region meeting of the American Academy of Religion (AAR).

  • The Hamilton College Chapter of Sigma Xi, the scientific research society, elected seven members of the Class of 2015 to associate membership on May 5. The students are: Nikole Bonacorsi, Deanna Cho, Hannah Ellerbrock, Maxwell Lopez, Christiana Westlin, Kassandra Zaila and Hannah Zucker.

  • Graduating seniors Ryan Dorey, Victoria Lin, Sara Kleinman and Isabel Oskwarek were chosen by the French Ministry of Education to participate in the Teaching Assistants in France Program for 2015-16.

  • Several members of Hamilton’s Global Health Organization (GHO) met with Colleen Deacon, U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s Central New York regional director, on April 29 in Syracuse, N.Y. Students at the meeting were Rachel Landman ’15, Abigail Armstrong ’15 and Morgan Lane ’16.

  • Several Hamilton students and faculty members attended an annual undergraduate classics research conference on April 17. Each year the conference is hosted by Hamilton, Union College, Skidmore College or Colgate University. Union was this year’s host.

  • An article titled “Molecular Genetic Diversity and Characterization of Conjugation Genes in the Fish Parasite Ichthyophthirius multifiliis,” by Associate Professor of Biology Wei-Jen Chang, along with six Hamilton students and recent graduates, appears in the May issue of Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.

  • Hannah G. Haskell ’15 presented a poster titled “Beach Erosion and Restoration at Cape May Point, New Jersey” at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America - Northeastern Section.

  • Jacob Wagner ’15 presented a poster on his thesis work about the effects of copper herbicides on non-target fish at the annual conference of the Northeast Aquatic Plant Management Society, held Jan. 20-22 in  Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Wagner is a biology major.

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