  • On a sunny day in mid-June, Vice President for Enrollment Management Monica Inzer had a packed schedule of meetings, calls, and interviews. That’s nothing new, and neither was having John McLaughlin, associate vice president and dean of admission, join her for many of them. What was different was that these were Inzer’s final days in Siuda House before retiring on June 30, and McLaughlin, who arrived on College Hill in January 2023, was preparing to succeed her in leading Hamilton’s enrollment management division.

  • After over 20 years of experience serving higher education institutions, Janice Scheutzow is taking on the role as executive director of financial aid at Hamilton. She most recently was director of financial aid at Nazareth College in Rochester, N.Y. Scheutzow has also worked in mortgage financing, but her true passion lies in helping students through the financial aid process. As the fall semester begins to wrap up, we sat down with Scheutzow to learn more about her position and impressions of Hamilton so far.

  • Alumnus Greg Thomas ’81, founder of Tune in to Leadership, interviewed President David Wippman recently for the organization’s s blog on the challenge of Covid-19 and racial justice issues.

  • Hamilton marks a decade of need-blind admission — a bold commitment to access and opportunity.

  • Hamilton is a member of the American Talent Initiative (ATI), a national alliance of leading colleges and universities that released a new report this week showing it is on track to enroll 50,000 more lower-income students by 2025.

  • Hamilton College has joined the American Talent Initiative, a national alliance of colleges and universities committed to attracting, enrolling, and graduating more high-achieving, lower-income students.

  • Through the generosity of alumni, parents and friends, the Annual Fund total dollars contributed in the past year topped all past records, and total fundraising was the fourth strongest in Hamilton’s history.

  • The College is partnering with QuestBridge, a California-based nonprofit that connects high-achieving, low-income students with highly selective colleges and universities.

  • The Business of Giving, a unique radio program that focuses on the world’s social problems and their possible philanthropic solutions, will air a pre-recorded interview with host Denver Frederick and President David Wippman and trustee Aron Ain this Sunday, Jan. 8, at 6 p.m.

  • Hamilton’s need-blind admission policy is the focus of a Dec. 18 feature story published by Huffington Post titled “How One Top College Ended a Policy that Weeded Out Poor Students.” The article detailed how Hamilton made the decision to eliminate merit scholarships and later to adopt the need-blind policy that eliminates applicants' financial need from consideration in admission decisions.

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