  • Communications Office student writer Melissa “Aurelie” Kaleka ’24 attended a Know Thyself 101 workshop on Oct. 2. Here she shares her impressions.

  • When the adapted 2020-21 academic calendar was released, I was both excited and wary about the two-month break between the fall and spring semesters. I worried that two months without classes or work — in addition to social distancing and COVID-19 lockdowns — was going to be a long period of enforced downtime. So when I read the Career Center email describing the new SnapShot virtual shadowing program, I knew that I had found the perfect solution.

  • Each year, the Hamilton College Career Center holds an Interview Crash Course for current seniors, designed to help graduating students sharpen up their skills before leaving the Hill and entering the job market.

  • A global pandemic didn’t stop Steve Kettig ’19 from successfully launching the SEO and digital marketing consulting company, Lead Sprout. Here he describes his path to his new career, with a little help from the Hamilton network along the way.

  • In a year defined by unexpected challenges, Hamiltonians made sure that their college had the resources to respond and overcome. Thanks to the generosity of alumni, parents, employees, students, and friends, more than $7.2 million was raised for the 2019-20 Hamilton Fund.

  • Joaquin Pacheco Criado ’23 regularly dedicates himself to using his skills to help others, so it comes as no surprise that he would fill his summer schedule with two internships focused on aiding various communities. Interning for both MAB Learning Coach and Manna Project International, Pacheco Criado spends most of his days working to provide financial and education services to the public.

  • After developing a strong interest in public service during her time at Hamilton, Eleni Broadwell ’20 has landed a position where she can fully explore that passion. The history major and government minor is working as an honors paralegal at the Federal Trade Commission.

  • Fresh from graduation, Michelle Chung ’20 began an extensive job search and, having previously interned for Penguin Random House, knew that she had an interest in publishing. After identifying an opening with Simon & Schuster, a top publishing company based in New York City, she reached out to Brian Belfiglio ’90.

  • After her summer neurology research was canceled due to COVID-19, Krithika Ravishankar ’22 decided to broaden her search for internships. This ultimately led to a conversation with Josh Rothstein ’19, founder of Up All Night Music Group, a concert promoting organization.

  • Simon & Schuster is one of the top U.S. publishing companies, and according to Kayah Hodge ’21, working there is “low-key kind of a big deal.”

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