  • National and regional news organizations regularly interview Hamilton faculty, staff, and students for their expertise and perspectives on current events, and to feature programs and activities on campus. Here are the second quarter’s national news coverage highlights. The articles include expert commentary on wars in Ukraine and Sudan, opinions on civic education, and an explanation of how the concept of race evolved in the Renaissance, among others.

  • June’s news highlights ranged from admission issues to air quality to Russia and President Putin.

  • When media outlets feature faculty and staff discoveries and accomplishments, it helps strengthen Hamilton’s reputation as one of the top liberal arts colleges in the country. In 2022, nearly 4,800 articles, radio programs, and television shows featured Hamilton College.

  • In “History offers the best argument for continuing affirmative action,” an op-ed co-authored by President David Wippman and Cornell Professor Glenn Altschuler, the writers traced the evolution of affirmative action from the Reconstruction era to today’s Supreme Court hearing.

  • Hamilton College has joined 32 peer schools in signing an amicus curiae brief with the Supreme Court of the United States in support of Harvard College and the University of North Carolina and the legality of a “race-conscious” admissions process.

  • These are highlights of the first quarter’s news coverage in 2022. Links are provided, but some may require subscriptions to access content. Contact Vige Barrie at vbarrie@hamilton.edu if you cannot open a link or do not have a subscription.

  • “Why aren’t there more Black female judges on the federal bench?” an op-ed by Associate Professor of Government Gbemende Johnson published in The Washington Post on Feb. 22, addresses President Biden’s campaign pledge to appoint a Black woman to the U.S. Supreme Court and his record-breaking number of federal court appointments of Black women.

  • Associate Professor of Government Gbemende Johnson’s legal note on a Supreme Court Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) case was recently published in The Justice System Journal.

  • Nan Aron, the president of Alliance for Justice, spoke at Hamilton on Nov. 4 about the cases on the Supreme Court’s docket this upcoming term as well as close-minded opinions about how the Supreme Court should function. In Aron’s opinion, the four most important cases this term involve unions, abortion, voting rights and affirmative action, all of which are more “hot button” issues than the court faced last term.

  • A historic U.S. Supreme Court opinion today legalizes same-sex marriage across the country. Civil rights lawyer and Hamilton alumna Mary Bonauto ’83 was one of the attorneys who argued against same-sex marriage bans before the court, and she won earlier legal victories that helped lay the groundwork for today’s decision.


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