
Protestant Chapel Community

The Protestant Community gathers for worship every Sunday the College is in session for Dinner Vespers at 6 p.m. in the chapel. This "Sabbath" dinner is a time of re-orienting ourselves as a community and remembering what values guide our way forward. As Jesus blessed and broke bread at "The Last Supper" commanding us to love one another, so we gather and eat together and remind one another of our commitment to one another - those present among us and those outside our community - to work toward inclusion and acceptance, good will and creative understanding, forgiveness and establishing equality, and anything else that is included in the commandment to love one another. The Vespers begins in song, brief biblical reflection over dinner, prayer and reflection in the lighting of candles, and a concluding dessert fellowship. Hope you will come be a part of this effort to build spiritual community across ethnicities, sexual orientations, religious traditions, and anything else that keep us separated. Students, faculty, staff and friends of the College... Everybody is welcome to join us.

Newman Community

Newman Community provides an atmosphere for spiritual, intellectual, and social interaction - primarily for Catholic students, but open to the concerns of the campus community. Centered in its weekly celebration of the Mass, the Newman Community is also involved in community service through the annual Trust Treat event at Hamilton, as well as participating in outreach through Hope House and Clinton Youth Group.

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