  • About Us

    Our case managers reach out to students in distress and provide follow-up support planning.

    Elihu Root House
  • Common Reasons Students Meet with Us

    Complex health concerns, family or personal emergencies, excessive class absences, etc.

    Share a Concern

    If you are concerned about a student experiencing distress or hardship, please let us know.

  • Self-Referrals

    Students may reach out to us directly for support at 315-859-4463 or by email.

    Medical Leave of Absence

    MLOA is for students needing time away from campus to address health concerns.

Student Support Care Team (SSCT) case managers provide outreach and follow-up services to assist students in need of support in managing all aspects of their well-being.
Case managers work collaboratively with our Hamilton community, families and both on and off-campus resources to proactively identify and serve any student in need. SSCT takes a strength-based approach and strives to create safer spaces and a culture of caring for all in which resilience, self-advocacy, personal well-being, and academic success can be achieved.


  • Outreach and follow-up to students experiencing challenges with psychological health, physical health, hospitalization, victimization, relationship issues, significant life traumas, crises, and social adjustments
  • Case management services with referrals to on and off-campus resources
  • Student advocacy and support in navigating College processes
  • Consultation for faculty, staff, students, families and community members
  • Collaboration with academic support services and faculty
  • Medical leave of absence (semester or longer)
  • Absence notifications (short-term)
  • Education & outreach presentations about supporting students in distress

Common reasons students seek our support include:



We provide Care Consultations for all Hamilton community members to ensure the safety, support, and success for all. Faculty, staff, parents, family members or community partners should contact SSCT if they have any concern for a student who may be experiencing distress, facing a personal struggle, exhibiting behaviors that are worrisome, or they believe the student could benefit from additional care, support, and resources. Even if you aren't sure if a referral makes sense, we welcome all consultations to discuss if our office or other resources may be helpful to the student.

Care Team Referrals

What to Expect: 

In most situations, case managers reach out to students if we are made aware that they may be struggling with some aspect of College life or they have been impacted by a stressful recent event. We partner with those making the referral to ensure a warm and supportive approach to our outreach. We offer to schedule a meeting where the case manager and student will discuss current struggles or barriers as well as create their personalized care plan for future follow-up, including referrals to additional resources and ongoing case management (re-occurring meetings). Continued work with a case manager may continue throughout the semester or longer as determined by the student and the assigned case manager.


Care Team Referral Form


Call 315-859-4463 or email us to find out more about our services or to schedule an appointment. 

Crisis Support

If you are concerned about physical safety or that someone is in danger of harming themselves or others, immediately contact Campus Safety at 315-859-4000.

For other situations requiring immediate mental health crisis intervention, contact the Counseling Center at 315-859-4340, option 2 to speak to an on-call counselor, available 24/7.

Tips for Connecting Students with Support

Are you concerned about a student? Not sure how to initiate a conversation with them?


We find it helpful if those noticing a concern talk to students directly (when it is possible) about the concerns and how to connect with our team for support.  Sometimes it is difficult to know how to start those conversations. Here are some examples of how you can check in with students and suggest that they connect with us for support:


  • “I can’t help but notice that you [list behaviors or concerns]. Have you talked with anyone about this?”
  • “Do you have anyone on campus that you can talk to about these struggles that you are going through?”
  • “Let’s reach out to the Student Support Care Team, so that a case manager can help us think through how to work through these challenges.”
  • “Who else on campus knows what you’ve been going through? The Student Support Care Team can help you think through how to approach this.”
  • “Let’s go talk to the Student Support Care Team together so that we can get you connected to a few resources.”


It can also be helpful to explain specific ways that the Student Support Care Team can help.


Here are some examples of how we support the students who meet with us:

  • Provide support and guidance dealing with stressful situations
  • Identify the source of the problem and the type of assistance and resources that are available to help cope in the meantime, or solve the problem
  • Strategize how/if it is helpful to communicate with others about the concern
  • A place to check-in and touch base for as long as they need the specialized support


Our Team

Sarah Solomon

Associate Dean of Students for Student Support



Sarah Solomon provides leadership and oversight for our Student Support Care Team (SSCT), a campus-wide student case management program, that addresses the needs of students who are experiencing significant difficulties related to mental health, physical health, and/or psycho-social adjustment. Sarah provides direct case management services, including interventions, referrals, and follow-up services. She will work in close collaboration with faculty, faculty advisors, health care providers, Student Affairs colleagues, and parents and manage relationships with internal and external stakeholders.

Emma Moteyunas

Student Support Case Manager



Emma is another member of our Student Support Care Team (SSCT) and provides direct support, including guidance, resources, and referrals when Hamilton students are experiencing difficulties related to mental health, physical health, personal and family emergencies, financial issues, or other areas of concern. Emma is a trusted source of consultation for College community members to assist in student support planning when a student is struggling. Through collaboration with faculty, staff, family members, health care providers both on- and off-campus, as well as many other support resources, Emma is focused on utilizing a holistic approach and building relationships with Hamilton community members to ensure our students are aware of and have access to needed support and resources when difficult circumstances arise.

Karen Boots

Senior Staff Assistant, Division of Student Life



Karen Boots provides a broad range of secretarial and administrative support for the Associate Dean of Students for Student Support Services, the Student Support Case Manager, the Associate Dean of Students for Academics (including duties for the Committee on Academic Standing and the Honor Court), and serves as a liaison for the Global Learning Office.


Student Support Care Team

Office Location
Elihu Root House

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