There are several ways to support Kirkland initiatives on the Hill.
Samuel and Natalie Babbitt. Photo: Nancy L. FordSamuel and Natalie Babbitt Kirkland College Scholarship — Supports high-need students who would not have access to a Hamilton education without the support of these scholarship dollars. In the spirit of Kirkland College, the recipient will have demonstrated an unusual willingness to pursue an undergraduate degree despite significant life hurdles.
Samuel Kirkland Fund — This is a general purpose fund supporting the general needs of the College. Under the direction of the Kirkland Endowment Advisory committee, funding is provided annually to women students for areas including Kirkland Summer Associate fellowships, research, trips, creative projects, etc.
Samuel F. Babbitt Kirkland College Fellowship — Awarded to the female graduate of Hamilton College who best exemplifies the spirit of individual learning which was associated with Kirkland College, to assist her in meeting the expenses of pursuing an advanced degree.
Kirkland Alumnae Prize Scholarship — Prizes are awarded annually to an upperclass woman who exemplifies the ideals of Kirkland College women, specifically, independence, initiative, creativity, ingenuity.
At Reunions '22, Sara Redding Wilson ’71, left, and Director of Milestone Reunions Victoria Kidd ’94 revealed the Kirkland 50th reunion class gift. Photo: Alexandria Leland
My Class's 50th Reunion Gift — The 50th class reunion marks a tremendous milestone in the lives of Kirkland alumnae. This occasion also provides a unique opportunity for classmates to expand their support of today’s students and faculty, including a class gift. The Hamilton and Kirkland Class of 1975 have endowed the Social Justice Experiential Learning Fund, which will provide financial support to students involved with experiential learning projects, research and advocacy.
Hamilton Fund — Supporting the areas of greatest need for current students.
Phone: Call (866) 729-0315 and use your credit card.
Mail: Make checks payable to “Trustees of Hamilton College” and send to: Hamilton College, 198 College Hill Rd., Clinton, NY 13323
When you make your gift, you can direct your giving to a specific initiative. If you choose to make your gift monthly by credit card, you will be enrolled as a Chapel Bell member and receive Kirkland socks!