Pellman Fund

Sam was a Posse mentor, and he taught in the HEOP program for 17 years. He entertained us with subtle, hilarious, and topical musical jokes while playing the organ at Class & Charter Day, Convocation, and Reunions.
Sam committed himself to making all the arts accessible to all students. To honor his enduring legacy, Sam’s family and friends have created the Pellman Fund for the Arts, the proceeds from which will help provide free student admission to productions sponsored by the Theatre, Music and Dance departments. The fund will also enable Hamilton to sponsor group trips to artistic events in neighboring communities and to offer opportunities for students to seek funding for their own individualized arts exploration. This one-of-a-kind fund is an outstanding way to make permanent Sam’s expansive vision of experiencing the arts at Hamilton.
Support for Faculty
The Pellman Fund for the Arts also provides support for faculty to arrange non-curricular activities for students, intended to supplement departmental offerings. Through this fund, faculty members will be able to organize special group outings to attend off-campus arts programming in neighboring communities and beyond. Interdisciplinary proposals are eligible for awards.