FAQ: Student Health Requirements
Hamilton students enter and manage their health records and required forms in the Student Patient Portal (Medicat). On this page, you will find answers to common questions about health form requirements and learn how to request required vaccine records from the State Immunization Registry.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Make sure that you are using your Hamilton ID (listed on your My Hamilton page) as your username.
- You will need to create a unique password for the Student Patient Portal (Medicat). It must be different from your Hamilton password.
- Clear your browsing history, cache, and cookies.
- Try a different web browser.
- Contact Hamilton's Help Desk for more assistance.
There are several ways to locate your immunization records:
- If you received your vaccine(s) within the United States:
- Fill out the request for your immunizations by going to the Student Patient Portal (Medicat) and going to the Immunizations tab.
- This service is currently unavailable for those who reside in AK, HI, NC, NH, ME, VT, and DC, and those under 18 years old.
- Fill out the request for your immunizations by going to the Student Patient Portal (Medicat) and going to the Immunizations tab.
- Contact your medical provider.
- Check your home state’s immunization registry.
- Reach out to your high school or prep school for a copy.
A lack of immunization records does NOT excuse the requirement. If you are unable to locate records, you will need to begin the immunization process again.
While we understand that immunizations may vary in your home country, you are required to receive all immunizations you are eligible for before arriving on campus. Please begin the vaccination process right away to avoid delays. Additionally, share a copy of Hamilton's vaccine requirements with your medical provider or travel agency to begin the immunization protocol.
Guidance on how to upload your records to the Student Patient Portal (Medicat) can be found below.
If your records are not in English, you are responsible for getting them translated BEFORE uploading them to the Portal.
After you have submitted the dates for your immunizations AND uploaded your records, medical staff will need to review them. Please allow five (5) business days for this process.
Students should check their status by logging onto the Student Patient Portal (Medicat) and clicking “immunizations." On a desktop computer, you will see a status in the middle of the page, as well as a list of missing immunizations in red on the lower right part of the screen. Any immunization listed in yellow is awaiting verification by medical staff.
If you are at home, contact your medical provider or local health department.
If you continue to face barriers to completion, reach out to the Health Center (1-315-859-4111) to review your situation with staff and develop a plan. You will continue to have "not compliant" status until all health entry requirements have been met.
First, log onto your Student Patient Portal (Medicat) and see what immunizations are missing.
If you believe you have received said immunization and don’t understand why it is listed:
- Check your messages in the Portal to see if you received guidance about it.
- Verify you entered the date(s).
- Confirm that you have uploaded proof of the vaccine that:
- Shows your name and date of birth; and
- Is documented on official letterhead and signed/stamped by your medical provider.
- Verify that you received the vaccine within the specific guidelines listed on the Portal.
If everything appears accurate, please contact the Health Center at 1-315-859-4111.
- Go to your Student Patient Portal (Medicat), select the Immunizations tab, and then click the Print icon.
- You may also email healthcenter@hamilton.edu to request a copy of your immunization records. Please allow 7-10 business days for these requests to be completed.
You are required to complete several forms as a new student in addition to your vaccine records, including:
- Hamilton Health History
- Hamilton Rights and Responsibilities
- TB Risk Questionnaire
- Texting Opt-in/Opt-out
- Hamilton (HFC) Insurance
- The HFC insurance waiver needs to be completed annually, typically in the summer before each new academic year.
- The HFC insurance waiver link changes annually.
For incoming Fall Admits please submit your health forms and records by July 1. For incoming Jan Admits please submit your health forms by January 1.
A desktop or laptop are the best devices to use when accessing the Student Patient Portal (Medicat). While students can access the Portal on their mobile devices (smartphones and tablets), please note that the text will appear smaller and may make it more difficult to complete tasks. At this time, Medicat does not have an app for students.
Requesting Vaccine Records from the State Immunization Registry
This service is currently unavailable for those who reside in AK, HI, NC, NH, ME, VT, and Washington, D.C., international students, and those who are under 18 years old. If you fall into any of these categories, please follow the instructions in Option 2 below.
- Log onto your Student Patient Portal (Medicat).
- Select the "Immunizations" tab.
- Select “Request My Out-Of-State Immunization Registry Records.”
- Select "Add New Residence."
- Add "First Name" (Legal first name when the vaccine was administered).
- Add "Last Name" (Legal last name when the vaccine was administered).
- Sex (Legal sex when the vaccine was administered).
- Address (Street, City, State, Zip):
- Please enter your most recent address in each state where you received vaccines.
- If you lived in one state your entire life, add that address, city, state, and zip.
- If you lived in multiple residences or multiple cities in one state, only enter your most recent address.
- Example: You lived in two cities in Florida and two cities in South Carolina. You enter only one address for Florida and one address for South Carolina.
- 100 Main Street, Anytown, Florida 12345
- 200 Elm Street, Anytown, South Carolina 23456
- Please enter your most recent address in each state where you received vaccines.
- Click "Add Residency" after each address you need to enter then click SAVE.
- If you only have one residency to add, click SAVE.
- If you entered more than one residence, check addresses for accuracy. Then click “Save." If you made a mistake, click the pencil icon and make the necessary changes. Once corrections have been made, click SAVE.
- Accept the Consent/HIPAA Release popup window.
- After you have added a Residence History for each state where you received vaccinations, click the "Finish & Submit" button.
- Once you have submitted successfully, you should see a Status at the bottom right of each residence you entered (on a desktop).
- Please check back in 24 hours.
After waiting at least 24 hours to check the status of the immunization request:
- Log onto your Student Patient Portal (Medicat)
- Select the “Immunizations” tab on the left-hand side of your screen.
- If your request is matched and all your required immunizations are listed on your Patient Portal, you will see “Verified."
- If your request did not match, you will see “NO DATA” or “NOT COMPLIANT.”
- If your status is “NO DATA” or “NOT COMPLIANT,” DO NOT submit the request again. Instead:
- Scroll down and look at the missing requirements on the bottom right of your screen. This is the easiest option.
- You may also select the “View Missing Immunization” icon button to launch another window outlining the requirements you are missing.
- If your request returned NO DATA at all, you are required to enter the dates of each of your individual vaccines under the appropriate heading title. Please follow the directions listed under Option 2.
- If your status is “NO DATA” or “NOT COMPLIANT,” DO NOT submit the request again. Instead:

- Select the “Immunizations" tab.
- Select the drop-down box for each vaccine. Add a date for each of the “no data” vaccines listed below.
- Once you have entered all of your vaccine dates, select “Submit.”
- After “Submit," the system will take you to the “Upload” screen.
Before uploading your document, check for the following:
- Your full name, date of birth, and student ID # must be located on each individual page.
- If uploading a document from your provider, your provider must have signed and/or stamped the document.
- Your document must be in ENGLISH. If not, you must have this document translated into English.
- Images must be .gif, .png, .tiff, .jpg, .jpeg. Documents must be .txt or .pdf.
- Files must be smaller than 4 MB in size.
- Scan in black and white or at a setting of 150 DPI to create a smaller file.
- All records must be translated into English.
How to Upload:
- Select "File."
- Select "Immunization History."
- Browse your documents and upload your immunization document.
- Select "Open."
- Once your file is shown under Immunization History, click "Upload."
Awaiting Review:
- Once you have entered your dates and uploaded your documents, your Missing Immunization boxes on the right of the immunization screen will turn yellow. This means your account is “Awaiting Review” by the medical personnel.
- Please check back in five (5) business days to see if your documents have been reviewed. It is not necessary to send a message to ask if it has been reviewed. Your account will be reviewed as quickly as possible.
Review Process:
- Verified: If ALL your required entry forms and immunization dates have met Hamilton’s requirements, your status will show “Verified” and you will receive a secure message indicating the same following verification by staff.
- NO DATA or NOT COMPLIANT: If your documents or dates do not meet Hamilton’s requirements, you will receive a secure message indicating why your document or date was not accepted, with clear directions on the next steps you must take.
- Medical personnel will review your documentation. If all is in order, your status will change from NO DATA or NOT COMPLIANT to Verified.
- You will not be considered compliant with the immunization requirements until you have entered the dates, uploaded proof, AND the immunization records are verified by medical staff.
- Confirm you have completed the other required forms for new students:
- Hamilton Health History
- Hamilton Rights and Responsibilities
- TB Risk Questionnaire
- Texting Opt-in/Opt-out
- Hamilton (HFC) Insurance
- The HFC insurance waiver needs to be completed annually, typically in the summer before each new academic year.
- The HFC insurance waiver link changes annually.
Contact Name
Health Center
Phone: 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Phone: 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Phone: 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Phone: 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Phone: 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.; 1 - 4:30 p.m.
(closed from 8:30-9:30 a.m. on the first Thursday)