


LITS Council

Combination of Library and Information Technology Committee and Enterprise Information Committee. The Council meets two to three times per academic year.

Library and Information Technology Committee

The Committee works to ensure that library resources and information technology are used appropriately and effectively in behalf of teaching and scholarship at the College. It serves as the principal means of communication among faculty, students, administrators, and staff on all matters relating to the use of libraries and information technology in the academic program. It reviews College policies and procedures relating to libraries, information technology, and the allocation of resources related to both, and, when it deems appropriate, suggests revisions. It advises the Committee on Academic Policy, the Dean, the Vice President for Administration and Finance, and the Vice President for Libraries and Information Technology, and serves as liaison with the College community. It reports to the Faculty on changes to policies and procedures relating to libraries and information technology when deemed appropriate by the Committee or at the request of Academic Council.

Normally, the Committee shall meet once a month while the College is in session, but special meetings may be called by the Chair, or at the request of two faculty members or the Vice President for Libraries and Information Technology.

Member Term title
Bair, Nadya 2027 Assistant Professor of Art History
Grant, Kevin 2025 Edgar B. Graves Professor of History
Yao, Steve 2026 Edmund A. LeFevre Professor of Literature
Jasmine Bonilla '28 2026 Student
TBD   Student
Shelley, Joe ex officio Vice President for Libraries and Information Technology
Munemo, Ngonidzashe ex officio Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of Faculty

Represented by Tina Hall, Associate Dean of Faculty and Professor of Literature and Creative Writing
Leach, Karen ex officio Vice President, Administration and Finance

Represented by Lucy Burke, Director of Procurement and Administrative Services
Friedel, Kristin ex officio Registrar

The Library and Information Technology Committee is regularly attended by Beth Bohstedt, Director for Learning and Research in LITS. In addition, the Committee is also supported by other subject matter experts as needed.

Enterprise Information Committee (EIC)

The Enterprise Information Committee (EIC) compliment the faculty Committee on the Library & IT as a parallel group focused more on administrative systems and information. The EIC was convened on the recommendation of the Library and Information Technology Committee and approved by Senior Staff. There are three primary charges of the EIC:

  1. Prioritize major information systems.
  2. Provide formal data governance aligned with the priorities. 
  3. Serve as the review board for information security policies, strategy, and risk management.

EIC Process

Member Title Representing
Shelley, Joe* VP of Libraries and IT  
Bennett, Sean  Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Carrock, Gary Assistant Controller Administration & Finance 
de la Riva Jr., Nicolas Assistant Dean for Academic Finance and Resources Academic Affairs
Friedel, Kristin Registrar Academic Affairs
Goodale, Nathan Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Professor of Anthropology Academic Affairs
Jackson, Esena Director, Web & Digital Communications  Communications and Marketing
Landry, Jeff Associate Vice President for Student Affairs Student Affairs
Martinez, Heather Associate Vice President for Finance and Controller Administration & Finance 
Nannas, John Director of Donor Discovery and Analytics Advancement
Scheutzow, Jan Associate Vice President for Enrollment and Executive Director of Financial Aid Enrollment Management
Sprague, Mike Director, Business Intelligence and Web Services Institutional Data
Sweeney, Marty Director, Enterprise Information Systems Library and IT
Yang, Jasmine Director, Institutional Research and Assessment Institutional Data

Subcommittee on Data Governance

Ensuring data conforms to quality and standards upon entry and throughout use in operations and analysis; includes a decision framework around what data should be collected and protected.

This group is charged with reviewing and editing definitions within the Data Cookbook (the tool we are using) that are used widely across Hamilton College.

Member Title representing
Scheutzow, Jan Associate Vice President for Enrollment and Executive Director of Financial Aid Admission & Financial Aid
Friedel, Kristin Registrar Academic Affairs
Landry, Jeff Associate Vice President for Student Affairs Student Affairs
Nannas, John Director of Donor Discovery and Analytics Advancement
Goodale, Nathan Associate Dean of Faculty and Associate Professor of Anthropology Academic Affairs
Rose, Ben Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs and Professor of Anthropology Admission & Financial Aid
Sprague, Mike Director, Business Intelligence and Web Services Co-chair
Sweeney, Marty Director, Enterprise Information Systems Library and IT
Yang, Jasmine Director of Institutional Research & Assessment Co-chair


Contact Name

Maureen Scoones

Coordinator of LITS Advisory Committees

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