
The Annual Review Process

Tenure-track, tenured and continuing visiting faculty members are reviewed by the department chair or program director on a calendar-year annual basis. The annual report is used to evaluate career development, progress toward tenure or promotion, and annual merit increases to salary. The report is due in the Dean of Faculty Office by February 1 of each year. Faculty who do not meet this deadline risk receiving only the minimum salary increase for the next academic year.

The annual report consists of web-form completion of the “Summary of Activities” and electronic submission (Word or PDF) of a current vita and a personal statement addressing teaching, scholarship, service, and other considerations regarding the past year’s activities. The personal statement normally should not exceed two single-spaced pages.

Department chairs are reviewed by a senior member of the department, following the same timetable as for other reviews. For reviews of senior colleagues in a department that is chaired by an associate professor, the chair can recruit another senior colleague in the department (or, in consultation with the Dean of Faculty, a full professor from a closely-related department if necessary).


February 1 – Faculty annual report due to Dean of Faculty office

The “Summary of Activities” is completed via web form and the vita and personal statement are submitted electronically. Submission directly to the Dean of Faculty office confirms completion of the report by the February 1 deadline. Department chairs and program directors have password-protected, online access to review the materials.

March 1 – Deadline for meeting between faculty member and chairperson

The chair or program director meets with the faculty member in February in order to discuss the contents of the annual report. The purpose of the meeting is to inform the chair’s preparation of the annual review and to discuss the likely contents of that review. This meeting is required for tenure-track faculty and is optional for tenured faculty.

April 1 – Annual reviews due from department chair to Dean of Faculty office

The department chair or program director prepares the annual reviews on the appropriate (non-tenured or tenured) review form. The faculty member signs on the form acknowledgment of having read the review, and has the opportunity to add comments to the review form. Members of the department who will be voting members for the next reappointment, tenure, or promotion review should also sign this report to indicate that they have seen it and have been consulted about its contents.

June 15 – Date by which the Dean of Faculty office will mail salary letter
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