The Program on Justice and Security centers on both domestic and international security. Security issues encompass the safety and protection of persons and property, food supply, market exchange, national security, banking and security regulation, cultural preservation, cyber security, local law enforcement and public health among other public and private concerns across nations, and cultural values and institutions. In the past, we have brought James C. Cobey '65, Margaret Stock, and Valerie J. Bunce to campus to speak on security. Learn more about Project SHINE and help local refugees and immigrants.
Frank Anechiarico, director of the Program on Justice and Security, studies constitutional law and public administration. He is the co-author (with Eugene Lewis) of Urban America: Politics and Policy and the author of Suing the Philadelphia Police: The Case for an Institutional Approach, and Remembering Corruption: The Elusive Lessons of Scandal in New York City. Anechiarico and James Jacobs' book, The Pursuit of Absolute Integrity: How Corruption Control Makes Government Ineffective, was published by University of Chicago Press in 1996. His latest project is a book on the relationship between ethics and the quality of performance in public management.
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