What's New
AV Service Changes
Audiovisual Services Team
This fall you’ll notice several changes in the services provided to campus by AV. By making these changes, we hope to not only improve efficiencies but also to improve our service to the Hamilton Community.
What’s New in Blackboard 2015
Deborah Reichler
We upgraded our license level (at no extra cost) and have access to three new systems in addition to the basic Course Delivery: Community, Content and Mobile. There are changes and additions throughout Blackboard related to this upgrade, but we’ll focus on a few of the major new features. More...
Strategic Initiatives
Information Security
Small Talk from the VP: Reducing Risk
Dave Smallen
Texting while driving, smoking, crossing College Hill Road without looking both ways are all behaviors that increase the risk of harm to ourselves and others. The NYS Thruway has an active campaign to reduce the risk of distracted driving. At Hamilton, a major effort has been underway for several years to reduce the risk of identity theft and the compromise of confidential and sensitive information. More...
Spotlight on Services
Resources for New Students and Employees
Maureen Scoones
If you are new to Hamilton College, welcome! The Library and Information Technology Services (LITS) strives to provide excellent support services and infrastructure so as to enable the Hamilton Community to use library and technology resources effectively and responsibly in order to advance Hamilton's mission and strategic goals. For an overview of the library and computing resources and services that LITS provides, please take a look at our First Year Students and New Employee guides.
5 Things You Need to Know About Sending Mass Mail Messages
Debby Quayle
As many of you are already aware, as a service to the Hamilton College community, several email based mass mailing lists are available. These are designed to facilitate the timely and cost-effective distribution of information to the campus community. More...
Adobe’s New Subscription Based Licensing:
What Does It Mean to Hamilton College?
Karen Schaffer
Over the last few years, Adobe has been offering their software via a subscription based program called the Creative Cloud (CC). While this program has been in place for a few years, Adobe recently switched to the subscription model exclusively for the following products: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Acrobat Pro, Dreamweaver, Flash Pro, Premiere, After Effect, Audition, and others. More...
Spotlight on Collections
Images for Teaching and Student Projects
Lynn Mayo
Looking for images to enhance your syllabus, lectures and PowerPoint presentations? Will your students be giving oral presentations or designing posters? Check out the library's image databases and research guides. More...
Read the Chronicle of Higher Education, Anywhere, on Any Device
Lynn Mayo
Interested in reading the Chronicle of Higher Education but frustrated you can’t access all of the articles? You’re in luck! Burke Library subscribes to campus wide access to the Chronicle. More...
LITS Presentations and Publications
McFall Publishes on Digital Humanities
A chapter written by Lisa McFall, LITS Metadata and Catalog Librarian, was published in the book Supporting Digital Humanities for Knowledge Acquisition in Modern Libraries, edited by Kathleen L. Sacco, Scott S. Richmond, Sara M. Parme, and Kerrie Fergen Wilkes and published by IGI Global, 2015. More...
Many Members of LITS Assist in Recent ILiADS Institute
July 26 to August 2, Hamilton College was host to ILiADS, the Institute for Liberal Arts Digital Scholarship. The success of this week long institute and conference could not have taken place without the assistance of many members of LITS. More...
Also of Interest
Browse New Library Materials
New and Trial Databases
Faculty eBooks
Securing the Human Monthly Newsletter - Backup & Recovery
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