What's New
You are the TargetPassword Management System
Jesse Thomas
As part of a comprehensive plan for improving information security on campus, the Hamilton Community will be required to strengthen and regularly change passwords they use to access Hamilton systems. More...
StatistaFree 30-day database trial -- Statista: The Statistics Portal
Lynn Mayo
Statista is being called "the Google of statistics" with their easy-to-use interface and extensive collection of data. Voted Best Statistics Database 2014 by Library Journal. Try Statista Now!  Our Free trial ends February 28, 2015. More...
Explore the 60sExplore the Sixties!
Lynn Mayo
Explore The Sixties: Primary Documents and Personal Narratives, 1960 to 1974 with this unique resource!
Over 100,000 items document the key events, trends, and movements in 1960s America. The collection includes letters, diaries, memoirs, and oral histories; accounts from official, radical, and alternative organizations; posters, broadsides, pamphlets, advertisements, and rare materials. Free 90-day trial ends April 26, 2015. More...
Couper PressCouper Press Announces New Publications
Holly Foster
New titles from the Richard W. Couper Press present groundbreaking research on the Shakers, House of David, and Mary's City of David. Materials from these intentional religious communities form an integral part of the Special Collections at Burke Library. More...
Ryan CoyleGet Your Billions Back Before Someone Else Does
Ryan Coyle
It's tax season! While H&R Block tells us it’s refund season and we should be getting our billions back in refund money, there are other people lining up out there to step ahead of us to take our refund checks. As you move along the tax preparation process, here are some tips to help keep your information safe and help prevent fraud. More...
Small Talk from the VP
Dave SmallenHanging Together: Cooperation, Collaboration and Collections
Dave Smallen
The Burke Library is the first building that prospective students and their families see on the Admission tour. The tour guide proudly indicates that our collection includes a half million books. In a world in which information is readily findable on our mobile devices, and whole works are often available in electronic form, a collection that supports our academic program goes well beyond the books we own. More...
Upcoming Events
DHi Spring 2015 Lecture Series
Please direct questions to Angel David Nieves (anieves@hamilton.edu) or Janet Simons (jsimons@hamilton.edu), co-directors, Digital Humanities Initiative.

Dr. Marisa Parham (Amherst) March 3 & 4 
Lecture, “Textual feelings, or, thinking narrative gaming in the information age,” 
March 3, 4:10 p.m., Location TBA 
Workshop, “Text adventures in the classroom,”  March 4, 12 p.m., DHi@CJ 102

Dr. Tara McPherson (USC) April 23 & 24
Lecture, "DH for the Rest of Us?" 
April 23, 4:10 p.m., location TBA 
Workshop, “Title TBA,”  April 24, 12 p.m., DHi@CJ 102
Apple & Quill
Wednesday, March 4, 2015 | 7 – 8 p.m.
Burke Library All-Night Reading Room
Poetry and prose readings by Lily Capstick '18 and Mackenzie Doherty '18, part of the Creative Arts at Burke series.
Also of Interest

  Browse New Library Materials
  New and Trial Databases
  Faculty eBooks
  Securing the Human Monthly Newsletter - Staying Secure on the Road

Burke Library First Floor
Help Desk
Mon.-Thurs. 8 a.m.-2 a.m.
Friday 8.am.-10 p.m.
Saturday 10 a.m.-10 p.m.
Sunday 10 a.m.-2 a.m.
Library and Information Technology Services
Hamilton College   198 College Hill Road   Clinton, NY 13323


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