Provider Events
Study Abroad Program Providers and other international education organizations host a variety of info sessions online. Sessions are often about study abroad programs, application processes, summer opportunities, and scholarship/fellowship opportunities, and more. Go to Events & Info Sessions for events hosted by the Global Learning Office at Hamilton.
Virtual Webinars and Other Events
2/12/2025 12:00PM - 12:00PM
Global Health Experiential Fellowship (GHEF)
The Global Health Experiential Fellowship (GHEF) is a five-week in-person experience for current or recently graduated undergraduate, graduate, and medical students, with opportunity to participate in additional virtual activities prior to and following your time in Uganda.
2/12/2025 12:00PM - 1:00PM
University College London with IFSA
Known for academic excellence and innovation, University College London offers limited classes and departments to international students. Join us to understand your options, get answers to your questions, and find out if this program is the best fit for you. One student attending this information session will win a $50 gift card. Use the link to register.
2/13/2025 4:00PM - 5:00PM
Trinity College Dublin with IFSA
Learn all about Trinity College Dublin. Come away with useful information about this competitive program and the IFSA application process. We’ll save time for your questions, too. One student attending this information session will win a $50 gift card. Use the link to register.
2/13/2025 12:00PM - 1:00PM
SU Exploring Central Europe Info Session
Learn more about this program focused on History, Memory, and Identity Across Borders.
2/14/2025 3:00PM - 4:00PM
SU Exploring Central Europe Info Session
Learn more about this program focused on History, Memory, and Identity Across Borders.
2/18/2025 3:00PM - 4:00PM
Studio Arts in the UK with IFSA
Which studio art program is best for you? From painting, drawing, sculpture and more, explore IFSA’s UK and Irish arts programs to find your best fit and learn application tips. One student attending this information session will win a $50 gift card. Use the link to register.
2/18/2025 4:00PM - 5:00PM
Exploring Ireland Universities with IFSA
Dublin isn’t the only place to get to know Ireland’s charm, history, and rich culture. Learn more about our programs at the University College Cork, the University of Limerick, Burren College of Art, and the University of Galway and be ready to make an informed decision for your international experience. Part of the session will be dedicated to Q&A. One student attending this information session will win a $50 gift card.
2/19/2025 5:30PM - 6:30PM
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, with IFSA
Interested in the IFSA Victoria University of Wellington Partnership program? Meet up with IFSA VUW Enrollment Counselor, VUW alum, and other interested students to hear about program highlights and fun opportunities! We’ll save plenty of time for your questions, too. One student attending this information session will win a $50 gift card.
3/6/2025 4:00PM - 5:00PM
College Year in Athens Info Session
Learn more about this program in Athens. Great for students studying Classics. Use the link to register.