What to Expect on a Campus Visit

Registration Required
To provide an optimal campus visit experience, the daily number of families that visit is capped and arrival times are staggered. Therefore, registration is required for information sessions and campus tours. Walk-in visitors may be accommodated on a space-available basis, and when limitations arise, you are welcome to register and take a self-guided tour.
On Your Way
Looking for some road trip music? Our Tour Guides and Senior Fellows have got you covered! They've put together this Spotify playlist of travel-worthy tunes. When you get closer to campus, tune into WHCL, Hamilton's student-run radio station, at 88.7 on the FM dial.
Visit Check-In
Upon arrival to campus, registered visitors must check in at Siuda House, home of Hamilton’s Office of Admission and Financial Aid, so that we can welcome and register you for the day’s events.
While You’re Here
You will find details about accommodations, the local area, and our region on our website. You might also be interested in exploring the trails in the Root Glen. During the summer months, dining options on campus are limited - we recommend you check out some local restaurant options in Clinton or nearby New Hartford.
Have questions about your campus visit? Please contact our office at: admission@hamilton.edu.
In addition to your campus visit, we also encourage you to consider attending one or more of Hamilton’s many virtual visit options.