
General Policies

  1. The level of security at each location depends on the level of risk at that location. Factors to be considered in evaluating the level of risk at each location include: a) Amount of money involved, b) Geographic location, c) Hours of operation, d) Past loss experience, e) Number and kinds of employees.
  2. All cash should be kept in a fire-resistant storage container that is equipped with at least one locking device and cannot be easily removed from the premises.
  3. The department head has overall responsibility for ensuring that adequate security is maintained over cash and other assets.

General Procedures

Departments receiving cash on behalf of the College are responsible for maintaining security over cash, as well as other property.

Proper handling, adequate records, and physical security should be emphasized to each employee having access to or responsibility for cash, supplies, or equipment. These general guidelines are important and should be communicated to each employee:

  1. Unauthorized persons are not permitted in areas where cash is handled.
  2. Safe doors must be locked at all times. Large sums of cash should be counted and handled out of sight of the general public.
  3. Cash should never be left unattended. If an employee leaves his or her work station for any reason, regardless of how briefly, cash must be appropriately secured in a locked place.
  4. Checks should be restrictively endorsed immediately "For Deposit Only, to the Trustees of Hamilton College."
  5. Departments with petty cash funds should submit receipts to the Business Office in order to receive cash to replenish their fund. This should be done at a minimum of once a month.

Safekeeping Devices

All cash should be kept in a safekeeping device, either a safe or locked container.

  1. Proper Use Procedures: During business hours, safe doors should be locked at all times. Cash secured in a safe overnight, over a weekend, or over a long holiday must be kept to a limited reasonable amount. Personal cash and property cannot be secured in a College safe.
  2. Minimum Standards for Safekeeping Devices: Safes must be equipped with a combination lock, and other safekeeping devices must be equipped with a combination lock or key. Transportation containers or bags must incorporate a locking or sealing device that can be unlocked or unsealed only by authorized personnel.
  3. Control of Safe Combinations: These procedures must be followed to maximize security over cash: a) Safe combinations are to be given to a minimum number of employees and only to those whose functions require access to cash, b) The supervisor must personally exercise control to maintain the proper level of security over cash, c) To the extent practicable, combinations are to be memorized, not written down.

Cash Audits

The periodic cash audit, cash count, and/or cash operation interview are an integral part of internal control over cash.

Cash audits will be performed by Business Office personnel. Results of cash audits will be prepared and shared with the department. Any areas of concern will be forwarded to the Associate VP of Finance and Controller.

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