Account Management - Scheduled Deactivations and Deletions
Last updated: June 29, 2018
The Account Management Tool uses Lucee scheduled jobs to perform periodic processing like automated account reminders, deactivations, and deletions.
Deactivation Reminders
- Runs daily at 12:05 AM
- Obtains all accounts with a “deactivateEmailDate” or “deactivateNetworkDate” 30, 7, or 1 day away from deactivation and generates a notification email to the account.
Email Deactivations
- Runs daily at 4:50 PM
- Obtains all accounts with a “deactivateEmailDate” matching the current day.
- Generates “nomail” command to Listserv for each account
- Sends “suspend” command to Google using API for each account.
- Updates AMT record for each account.
- Sends notification to system administrators with subject “Acct Mgt: EMAIL Account Deactivations mm/dd/yyyy”.
Network Deactivations
- Runs daily at 4:45 PM
- Obtains all accounts with a “deactivateNetworkDate” matching the current day.
- Generates a CSV file which is then passed into the auto-ADdisable.ps1 script for automated account deactivation. Notifies Network Services and Central Information Systems.
- Sends additional “Deactivate Colleague Account” email to CIS.
- Updates AMT record
- Disables ReAct account.
- Creates “staging” account for students transitioning to Alumni (for eligible accounts) and related OpenLDAP alumni accounts. Updates Colleague alumnus “webid” (username) using UniObjects call as well as mhn_person record. Removes student related AMT group memberships. Adds Alumni group membership.
- Sends notfication to system administrators with subject “Acct Mgt: NETWORK Account Deactivations mm/dd/yyyy”.
Email Deletions
- Runs daily at 12:35 AM.
- Obtains all accounts with a “deleteEmailDate” matching the current day.
- Sends “delete” command to Listserv
- Sends “DELETE” command to Google.
- Updates AMT record.
- Notifies system administrators with subject “Acct Mgt: EMAIL Account Deletions mm/dd/yyyy”.
Network Deletions
- Runs daily at 12:30 AM
- Obtains all accounts with a “deleteNetworkDate” matching the current day.
- Builds CSV and passes file into auto-ADdelete.ps1 for automated network account deletion. Notifies NS and CIS with subject “Acct Mgt: Powershell Active Directory Account Deletions”.
- Deletes any OpenLDAP accounts that aren't new graduates or retirees.
- Updates AMT record.
- Runs ReAct “delete” command.
- Notifies system administrators with subject “Acct Mgt: NETWORK Account Deletions mm/dd/yyyy”.
None found.
Team Name
Business Intelligence and Web Services
Office Location
Burke Library
198 College Hill Road
Clinton, NY 13323
198 College Hill Road
Clinton, NY 13323
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