
Is your voicemail box full?

Use the voicemail GUI to delete messages.

Use your mailbox for the first time

  • You will receive a temporary password for your voicemail box. If you have not received your password, or need it changed for any reason, please contact the LITS Helpdesk to have a new one issued. Please note, if the voicemail system asks for an ID, it is looking for your four digit mailbox number.
  • Follow the prompts to complete the setup

Access your voicemail

From your office phone
  • Press [MESSAGE]
  • Enter your password (PIN)*
From any phone on-campus
  • Dial 4808
  • Press [#]
  • Enter your four digit mailbox number (ID)
  • Enter your password (PIN)*
From off-campus
  • Dial 315-859-4808
  • Press[#]
  • Enter your four digit mailbox number (ID)
  • Enter your password (PIN)*

Listen to your messages

Enter your voice mailbox (see above):

  • Press [1] to listen to any new messages
  • Press [3] to review saved or deleted messages

Control playback/Delete messages

  • Press [2] to pause
  • Press [3] to fast forward 10 seconds
  • Press [3][3] to fast forward to the end
  • Press [1] to rewind 10 seconds
  • Press [1][1] to replay the message
  • Press [9] to increase the volume
  • Press [7] to decrease the volume
  • Press [#] to skip to the next message

After playback of your message ends
  • Press [4] to replay
  • Press [7] to delete
  • Press [8] to reply
  • Press [88] to call the person (if on campus)
  • Press [9] to save

Change your greeting

Enter your voice mailbox (see above):

  • Press [4] for personal options
  • Press [3] for greetings
  • Press [1] for personal greetings

Record and enable an extended absence greeting

Enter your voice mailbox (see above):

  • Press [4] for personal options
  • Press [3] for greetings
  • Press [2] to enable and record the alternate greeting

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Last updated: January 5, 2024


Team Name

Telephone Services

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Burke Library
198 College Hill Road
Clinton, NY 13323
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

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